Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Taking A Look At Quarterlife

quarterlife was an "internet sensation," much like Flea Market Montgomery and that chuby kid with the lightsabre. But there was something different about these webisodes. It had the production quality of a television show and the creative genius (Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick) to give it credibility. Now the little web show that could is premiering tonight on NBC.

What's it all about? quarterlife follows a group of twenty-somethings as they traverse the confusing, hopeful, hilarious and sometimes frightening years between 20 and 30. The main character, Dylan (of the girl variety, very 21st century) is a video blogger and her posts guide the story. Herskovitz and Zwick were the people behind My So Called Life and thirtysomething so despite the kind of so-so premise, the show probably won't be half bad.

You can get in on quarterlife now. Check out the six webisodes already made online and hang out in the quarterlife webspace. There are message boards, social networking and everything else TV executives think our generation enjoys. The show premieres tonight at 10/9c but will run on Sundays after that.

This could be very interesting. What web junk is going to make the leap to TV next? I'm holding out hope for this kid.