Sunday, March 9, 2008

Things I Learned From Middle-Aged Funnymen

I love TV, but books aren't so bad on occasion. This is especially true when the books are written by TV people.

I went to see a great reading tonight. Ben Karlin, former Executive Producer of the Daily Show and The Colbert Report, teamed up with some of his good friends and fellow humorists to put together an anthology. Not just any anthology, a compendium of essays and funny business from 30-something guys on lessons they've learned from women who've dumped them.

The book, Things I've Learned From Women Who've Dumped Me, is already a bestseller and after listening to a few of the contributors, I know why.

Karlin tells his own story love lost during his college years. Dan Vebber, (a former writer for The Onion and currently a TV Writer) who told the cringe worthy story of the time he almost lost his virginity. Will Forte, Andy Richter, and Steven Colbert also took their turn at sharing their tragic but true trials with women. Plus there are several non-TV personalities as well to round things out.

This is one book I'm willing to tear myself away from the tube for, slap it on your to-do list if you can find the time.