Thursday, May 22, 2008

eduTV Guest Blog: I like When Girls Kiss Girls


Ok, I just finished catchin' my breath after what I thought was a pretty solid Grey's Anatomy. Yang sprang out of her funk (finally), Meredith was her usual dramatic self, George is retaking the intern exam, and some stupid kid jumped into a pool of cement and almost died. Whew, a fun-filled two hours and what did I decide to blog about? The end of show lip locks. Go figure.

  • George and Lexie Grey--Who didn't see this one coming? This potential romance had been building all season long and should make for an interesting storyline next year, especially since they're living together.
  • Chief and his sassy wife--The writers have been hinting at a possible reconciliation for a few episodes, and it was good to see those two crazy kids back together. Only thing that creeps me out is the chief looks like my dad and his wife looks kinda like my mom, so lets keep the pillow talk scenes to minimum, I'm trying to keep my psych bills down.
  • Meredith and McDreamy--After 11 failed clinical trials, the 12th was the charm. They saved a life and in the process may have rekindled their relationship. Meredith and Derek shared a moonlight kiss amidst a sea of candles, that would have made any pre-teen girl shed at least a couple of tears. I'm sure they will break up atleast 7 times next season, but hey, I'm just loving the ride man.
  • Izzie and Karev--Whats the cure for your quasi girlfriend getting diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder? Ummmmm, oh yeah, begging a hot blond friend to make out with you. Not the classiest thing Karev has ever done, but neither is that beard he's been sporting this season. I don't see this going anywhere, but lets keep an eye on it.
  • And finally, the big one, you thought it might happen, but you and your other cubicle monkeys didn't think the writers had the balls to do it. Well they did, Torres and Hahn totally kissed...with tongues. Yikes, I actually just cringed writing that. I thought this kiss was for pure shock value and maybe to freak out the red states a little bit. I can't wait to see how they weave this one into the story line next year. The on call room just got a little more awkward.