Monday, October 13, 2008

Things That Made Me Smile Today

  • Tina Fey threatened to move to outer space if John McCain and Sarah Palin win this election
  • Speaking of which, the rest of the TV public (lead by the New York Times no less) is finally as outraged as I am that 30 Rock isn't starting for another two and a half weeks.
  • This Friday, October 17, there will be an entire Jeopardy category devoted to Mad Men. You can practice your skills online right now with an online edition of Mad Men Jeopardy right now though.
  • Best new feature ever: An addictionary for all things The Office on Fans can add their own entries which means some are much funnier than others. I'm glad someone else remembered this.
  • Gawker ran a wonderful piece today by a guy who tried out for America's Got Talent. Oh the shit they put you through.


A Special Announcement From edubTV:
edubTV is moving! Yes, we'll be leaving Blogger and moving into a bigger house with a backyard over at Wordpress. What does this mean for you? If you are one of the five people who follow us, you need to update your bookmarks, feed readers, brains, etc and starting accessing our site by going to and NOT Soon, will be the only way to find us. I'll post this announcement at the end of every post for the next few days to remind you but the shift will probably take place by the end of the week. As far as housewarming gifts go, we enjoy fine liquors and elegant floral arrangements.


Whosis said...

1. Congratulations on the move! I will have a "lush slush" beverage for you... which I highly suggest by the way.
2. I have officially updated my Google Reader - which the use of is also a by-product of knowing you. Woo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

congrats, edub!

we want more... posts!

-washington dc fan club

Christopher Wayne said...

Im geeked for the move....If I could get a freakin wordpress login!!